contains new chemical entities (NCEs) first launched from 1995 to 2015.
Biological entities and the drug in clinical research will be published in the future.
You can search drugs in by key words: generic name, product name, company name, research code, CAS No., targets and indication.
For marketing drugs, provides you with general information (including drug name, research code, R&D companies, etc.), global marketing status (launched in US, EU, JP, and CN), chemical information (including chemical structure, chemical name, CAS No., Lipinski’s rule of five), patent information (drug related patent application status and its claims), synthetic routes, non-clinical pharmacology study, non-clinical pharmacokinetics studies and non-clinical toxicology studies.
The sales data is calculated from the public annual reports of the original research company and licensees, not including the sales of generic drug.
For comparing drug sales in different marketing countries and areas, converts all different currencies to “US dollar in millions “with the exchange rate reported in financial reports.
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